Three years ago I started the hashtag #starfishadvocacy. My colleagues and I used it prolifically for a year or so and then we all seemed to move into BIG PROJECTS and rarely remember to use it now. Let’s bring it back! When we educate one teacher, one doctor, one parent, etc. and they go on to provide affirming care to one individual, then that is starfish advocacy: it made a difference to that one!
Start small but think big!
A national association for Autistic psychologists and all things psychology in the Autistic community.
We will be THE place to go for information about Autistic mental health. We’re psychologists; mental health is kind of our jam. We’re affirming psychologists; we focus on the interface between mental health and social justice. We are bringing psychology into the decolonising space with a very specific focus: the Autistic community.
Webinars to advise us on our rights and responsibilities as psychologists who are activists.
Bespoke retreats for deep diving and collegial connection (interest-based, of course!)
Journal club and deep-dives that go beyond the increasingly watered-down “masterclass” level.
Annual conference
A place at the table for all policy development that relates to the discipline of Psychology and its role in the Autistic community.
The LOAPAC logo will be a symbol of integrity, professionalism, and social justice.